Qest4 Readings for Your Bioenergetic Health

A bioenergetic health Assessment

A bioenergetic health assessment, also known as a Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA), is a cutting-edge diagnostic technique that evaluates the body’s bioelectrical energy patterns, helping to identify imbalances and underlying health issues.

This method is based on ancient principles of acupuncture, combined with modern technology, to provide insights into a person’s overall health.

Using advanced systems like the Qest4, MSA can pinpoint stressors, toxins, and deficiencies, offering a detailed map of the body’s energetic imbalances.

Dr. Reinhard Voll and the Origins of Meridian Stress Assessment

The roots of Meridian Stress Assessment trace back to the pioneering work of Dr. Reinhard Voll, a German physician and engineer who, in the 1940s, began developing methods for diagnosing disease using electrical measurements of the skin’s resistance at acupuncture points. His research led to the creation of an electrodermal testing system, which he called “Voll’s electroacupuncture”.

Dr. Voll’s work was based on the idea that energy flows through the body along specific meridians, and disturbances or blockages in these pathways could manifest as health issues.  This is very similar to the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Dr. Voll’s techniques paved the way for the modern-day MSA systems used in holistic medicine today. The core concept remains the same: the body’s electrical conductivity at certain meridian points can provide valuable information about its health and energy balance.

What Qest4 Can Test For

Organ System Imbalances

The Qest4 can pinpoint which organs or systems in the body are under stress or are weakened. The system looks at both physical and energetic imbalances, identifying the root causes of stress in organs such as the liver, kidneys, heart, or digestive system. Once identified, remedies can be suggested to help restore balance.

Nutritional Needs

A detailed nutritional screening that evaluates the body’s vitamin and mineral needs, digestive function, hormone levels, neurotransmitter health, and overall dietary habits. The system highlights deficiencies or imbalances in nutrients and offers suggestions for personalized dietary adjustments or supplementation. This can be particularly useful for optimizing digestion, energy levels, and overall vitality.

Nutritional Supplement Testing

The Qest4 system can assess the effectiveness of nutritional supplements that a person is currently taking. It checks whether these supplements are being absorbed properly by the body, if they are providing benefit, or if they should be paused. This ensures that a person is using the most appropriate supplements for their needs.  Take only what you need and nothing more!

Microbe & Toxin Presence

The system identifies harmful microbes such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, mycoplasma, and mycotoxins, as well as toxins like heavy metals, chemicals, and environmental pollutants. How? Remember, everything in this life operates by frequency.  Science has identified those frequencies and those frequencies are tested against your samples.  By detecting these stressors early, the Qest4 helps determine the best strategies for removing or neutralizing them in the body. This can include targeted nutritional supplements, herbal remedies, or dietary changes.

Emotional Support

Emotional and mental well-being are integral to overall health. The Qest4 incorporates bioresonance therapy, which evaluates mental-emotional, body-mind, and energetic patterns to show how these aspects affect health. The system helps bring awareness to the emotional causes of illness or imbalance, and imprinted remedies like homeopathy or flower essences are used to restore harmony and balance.

Food & Environmental Sensitivities

Many chronic health issues, such as hay fever, seasonal allergies, or food intolerances, are linked to underlying energetic imbalances. The Qest4 can identify sensitivities to foods and environmental allergens. Using imprinted remedies, the system can help desensitize the body to these triggers, supporting long-term relief and better immune function.

How it Works

The Qest4  is a modern-day MSA device.  Combining Dr. Voll’s engineering with today’s study of quantum physics, the Qest4 is used to measure bioelectrical frequencies in-office and through biological samples.  The system analyzes your frequencies against over 40,000 identified frequencies, providing you with a picture of the body’s energetic state and identifying areas that may be out of balance.

Because the Qest4 is non-invasive and painless, it offers a gentle way to assess the health of the body without the need for blood tests or imaging. Best of all, with today’s technology, a simple saliva and/or nail sample analysis saves you time. No more scheduling time away from work or family to run to the clinic.  Just drop your sample in the mail. 

Benefits of Qest4

What is Imprinting?

qest4 machine

Imprinting is a key aspect of the Qest4 and a Bioenergetic health assessment. When the system detects an imbalance or stressor in the body, it can imprint the frequency of that imbalance into a homeopathic or herbal tincture. This process involves transferring the energetic frequency of a particular substance (such as a toxin or pathogen) into a remedy that can help the body recalibrate and restore balance.

For example, if the system detects a pathogen or toxin in the body, an herbal remedy or homeopathic solution can be created that “matches” the frequency of that pathogen. When taken, the remedy can help the body harmonize with the correct frequency, allowing it to neutralize the stressor. This process is non-invasive and deeply aligned with the principles of energetic healing.

I see Angela every few months for supplement scans.  I never knew this technology existed, and now I feel I can’t live without it. I only take the supplements I need and nothing more, just like she says! Before I was buying things all the time. Turns out,  my body didn’t like them which is why I wasn’t getting better.  Great stuff!

