Strong Meridian Online Classes

Welcome to Strong Meridian.

I believe everyone deserves access to natural, holistic healthcare. After studying herbalism and functional medicine, I want to empower you to take control of your own health. Through my Functional Medicine For Everyone Courses, I’ll teach you how to choose the right labs, understand the results, and use nutrition, herbs, homeopathics, and lifestyle adjustments to achieve optimal wellness.

Together, we can unlock your body’s potential for self-healing. Keep learning, and stay vibrant!

28-Day Revolution

vegetables and fruit in arrangement
A free course to teach you why detoxification is so important. I’ll teach you symptoms of an overburdened liver, why constipation and detoxing are a dangerous combination, and review my top three choices for deep liver detoxification. Finally, learn about the elimination diet I use to help unburden inflammation from the liver. This class includes a basic elimination diet care plan and a sign and symptom questionnaire for you to fill out before and after your liver detoxification.

Lower your Cholesterol

stethoscope and blood pressure cholesterol
If you are on a statin, or if your doctor wants to prescribe you a statin and you don’t want to take one, this class is for you. Learn how to lower your cholesterol naturally. I’ll teach you laboratory tests that are true indicators of heart attack risk (you guessed it, it’s not a regular cholesterol panel), and how to have healthy cholesterol levels with easy lifestyle changes. Receive my Cholesterol Testing Guide, Cholesterol Care Plan and Cardio Metabolic Food Plan.

Treating Parasitic Infections

close up of abdomen
Do you grind your teeth at night or have a hard time sleeping? Do you suffer from IBS or skin issues? This class may be for you. Learn how to identify a parasitic infection and how to treat all stages of parasitic growth. I’ll teach you my top choices for parasitic treatments and even teach you what to expect during treatment. Receive a parasite questionnaire to evaluate your own symptoms and a Parasite Care Plan.

Iodine, Do You Need It?

iodine do you need it with vegetable plate
Are you prescribed thyroid medication? If you are hypothyroid did you know reversing it could be as simple as feeding your body the iodine it needs? Learn the multiple roles this vital little mineral plays in your body. Learn symptoms of iodine deficiency and how to test for iodine levels.

All Things Thyroid

all things thyroid masterclass
A great foundational course for anyone who is constipated, has dry skin, can’t lose weight or has cold hands/feet. Does this sound like you? Maybe you are taking thyroid medication but still have symptoms. Learn the correct lab work to order and how to understand your own lab results. I’ll teach you what you can do to have a healthy thyroid. Receive All Things Thyroid Testing and Supplement Guide and a Thyroid Care Plan. This class is foundational. If you suffer from Thyroid Autoimmune, please refer to my Healing From Within Autoimmune Recovery Program.

Endocrine Disruptors and Your Health

endocrine disrupting chemicals and your health words
Endocrine disrupting chemicals are everywhere and they make you sick. These chemicals cause people to gain weight, can cause hair loss, ADHD, increase cholesterol, and have been shown to cause cancer . This class is for everyone, that’s why it’s free! Learn what endocrine disrupting chemicals are, and what they are doing to your health. I will teach you how to remove them from your body and your environment.

Empower Your Life.

Good living starts with good health. Learn how to empower your life through holistic wellness.

Learn about your health options with Angela. Book a free discovery call today.

Healing Journey in Your Life

Are you new to holistic healing approaches?

Tired of searching for answers to your health problems?

Strong Meridian can help you with:


Lyme Disease


Auto Immune Disorders


Epstein Barr


Long Haul Covid


GI Gut Issues


Chronic Fatigue


And Much More

Angela is a practitioner with a wealth of information that genuinely cares about the clients she serves. She will give you the extra time and treat you as more than a number. Her ethics is what sets her apart, always putting patients first and only recommending what someone needs versus what will cost the most. She is someone you can trust to help you navigate taking control of your health from a natural perspective.

